
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Vickie York Obituary - Vickie York Cause of Death - Local Real Estate Agent Vickie York Dies Unexpectedly

While we excitedly celebrate the birth of our nation this week, we do so with a well of sadness in our hearts.

Vickie York, a well-known figure in the local real estate industry and a dedicated champion of our community, passed away last weekend. She built a name for herself as the proverbial “go-getter” in a business chock full of go-getters, and her knowledge and professionalism led her to building a real-estate legacy that will endure the proverbial sands of time.

She was considered by many as a bit of a pioneer — testing herself by branching out on her own after building a stellar reputation in her field, and she employed a substantial team of real-estate professionals under her umbrella as her company grew. 

If one were to compile a list of the most prominent and significant people in this area’s business community, well, the list would not be pertinent without her name attached. But she was more than that.

She was a kind soul, who donated to any number of worthy causes in our community — a brief search on our paper’s website turned up countless letters to the editor over the years that thanked her for her donations, and her name popped up on too many sponsorship lists to note. 

Active in the political world for many years, she was a person “who knew how to get things done,” as the saying goes, but she also had an admirable way of not pushing her politics down anybody’s throat, which is a unique and admirable skill to possess these days.

This community is an infinitely better place today because of the efforts of York — both professionally and personally. She believed in the people and businesses of this area, and poured her heart and soul into building up both.

Throughout the years, we have built a strong professional and personal relationship with York, and we are extremely grateful for both. Tears are being shed in our office over her loss, but there are also plenty of smiles, because we got to know her in the first place.

The community is a better place because of the efforts of Vickie York, and her name will ring on long into the future.

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