Kalyn Hutchins Motorcycle Accident Massachusetts: Kristen Kelly's boyfriend Chris Schievink injured in Mexico crash : GoFundMe

Kalyn Hutchins of Massachusetts was involved in a severe motorcycle accident while on a trip in Mexico with her friend boyfriend. The accident left her with significant injuries and has prompted a community effort to support her recovery.

In another tragic incident, Kristen Kelly's boyfriend, Chris Schievink, was injured in a motorcycle crash while in Mexico. The details of the crash are still emerging, but it is known that Chris sustained serious injuries and requires extensive medical care.

In response to these unfortunate accidents, friends and family have set up GoFundMe campaigns to assist with medical expenses and support for both Kalyn Hutchins and Chris Schievink. These campaigns aim to alleviate the financial burden associated with their medical treatments and provide support during their recovery periods.

Kalyn Hutchins GoFundMe: The funds raised will help cover medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and any other expenses related to her accident.

Chris Schievink GoFundMe: Donations will go towards his medical treatment in Mexico and any necessary arrangements to bring him back to the United States for further care.

Both campaigns have seen an outpouring of support from their communities, demonstrating the impact of these accidents and the solidarity in aiding their recoveries.


  1. I would donate a penny to that home wrecking where who was trying to steal her BFF baby daddy KRAMA BABY


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